Whenever I had the opportunity I would tag along during my husband's routine site inspections, to take pictures of the goings on in the plantation. Sharing here are photos on jungle clearings and earthworks activities in oil palm/cocoa cultivation - Tenegang, Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia.

These green activists
claim oil palm cultivation causes tropical deforestation, poses a serious
threat to the global climate.
But these NGOs are silent on soya bean, rapeseed and sunflower farming causing deforestation in temperate countries. Too many questions remained unanswered:
……"How come
these NGOs do not lobby for reforestation in Europe and the US? At the very
least they should campaign for 10 per cent of the 100 million hectares planted
with soyabean, rapeseed and sunflower to be with replanted with trees to absorb
carbon dioxide from the polluted air there?….. quote
…..How come these NGOs do not tell their own governments to replant forest and restore the habitats for racoons, beavers, frogs, wild foxes, deers and bears?" …... quote
……Surprisingly, there is no such call by these NGOs for a moratorium on cars, ships, airplanes, oil exploration, coal mining and petrochemical processing industries, which all emit more carbon dioxide to the air than agriculture.

we consume palm oil without even knowing it.
It starts with the toothpaste we use when we wake up in the morning; to the moisturizer we rub on our skin, to frying oil at restaurants. Even our electricity grids are powered by biogas plants at palm oil mills. Here.
It starts with the toothpaste we use when we wake up in the morning; to the moisturizer we rub on our skin, to frying oil at restaurants. Even our electricity grids are powered by biogas plants at palm oil mills. Here.
The Impact of Oil Palm in Borneo
By Rhett A. Butler. Here
Is Harvesting Palm Oil Destroying the Rainforests? Here
Environmental impact of palm oil. Here
Among The Great Apes With Michelle Yeoh : A must watch!
This 50-minute documentary, which took 18 months to produce, tells of
Malaysia's conservation efforts to protect the orangutan, which are among the
planet's most endangered primates. Being the only great apes found in Asia,
they now survive only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Here
Michael Jackson and
his beautiful “EARTH SONG” here.
his beautiful “EARTH SONG” here.
“What about the bleeding
(What about us)
Can't we feel its wounds
(What about us)
What about nature's worth”
(What about us)
Can't we feel its wounds
(What about us)
What about nature's worth”