My 13 year old daughter is pouring endless questions about the female reproductive system, menstruation, feelings, relationships, boys, beauty tips, personal hygiene, cooking etc. Initially it was merely the shy quick type of questions so I took for granted that she is going through the normal process of growing up. However these questions started to become more specific and intensified, that was when I suddenly realize”Goodness, my little girl is turning into a woman”.
The journey from childhood to womanhood is one of the most precious a female will encounter in her lifetime. So what path should a girl take? When does a girl become a woman?
I don’t really know what messages I am sending to my daughter and how those messages will affect her in ten or twenty years. What is really developmentally appropriate? In what way can the mother-daughter relationship play along this development pathway?
What happens during the Transition
from childhood to adulthood in the female brain..
The Teen Girl’s Brain
Louann Brizendine, M.D. – Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Research on the aspects of the female brain

~ Dr. Pam Chubbuck
Only 13months old and already learning?
Exciting isn’t it? I am off to the bookshops to look for more books for me “the mummy” and for her ‘the new little lady’ of my life. To all the wonderful mothers out there, the very best of luck to you and to your daughters too.
Happy exploring.
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